Monday, February 8, 2016

39 - Miracle of the week

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Mission address:
 Sister Rachael Geniel Clark
 California Long Beach Mission
 6500 E Atherton St.
 Long Beach, CA 90815

This week wasn't much for finding or lessons, but we had lots of willing members to come out with us. Its hard when the members come and do so much for us, but then our lessons fall through. You just have to take a step back and realize things like that are out of your control and to just be glad even a single member could come out. There have been areas where it was almost like pulling teeth to get even one member to come out with us for a brief lesson.

Eddie surprised us by coming to church this Sunday! He fell off the face of the planet for a week, and we worried we wouldn't hear from him again, but then he just showed up in the parking lot. We found out he does driving for Filipino care takers as a part time job since he is retired, and that is why he disappeared for some time and we couldn't reach him. He said he loved the friendliness of our ward and enjoyed the messages that cheered him up. It also helped having Sister Culala teach him in his native tongue so he better understood what we shared. He even stayed for the second hour, too, and is pretty good friends with some members now. We even found out that Brother Dalaguit and him grew up in the same providence of Sebu in the Philippines! I love it when members fellowship our investigators, it means so much more to them to come and feel loved like a ward family! This ward is super good about it with almost everyone we bring.

AJ passed his baptismal interview and we are working out the rest of the lessons before his baptism next week!!!! So exciting! His whole family is so proud of him, especially his mother Marlene who would have never thought of him to be the first to ask for that. I knew from the moment I met him and his family that they were special and it was their time soon to be baptized. I could just tell. Its amazing how you can see the Light of Christ in people even when you have only just met. Marlene and AC are also working towards their baptism in May and everyone is having fun with our lessons!

Aisha and Ashley came to church and with their mom as well. Aisha was also able to stay all three hours, and the young women are so excited to have her come to young women's with them. They almost demanded that they had to stay and have fun in the lessons with them since they are also friends at school. I am so happy to hear they have such great friends to enjoy classes with at church and more. Aisha is also getting close to her baptism on the 27th, so hopefully things don't pop up that make it so we have to move the date back. She has such a testimony, so it was amazing to see how much she has changed and grown since I first met her and her family only a few months ago.

The miracles of the week are:
1. We went by a potential we contacted and later found out that he wasn't there and his wife was very hurt over something he had done. At first she was very rough when talking about him to us, then after we shared a scripture she broke down crying and was in great deal of comfort. She even said she would love to have us come back and teach her instead. It's amazing the comfort and peace that comes from scriptures about our savior Jesus Christ! Many people who never read the book of Mormon, let alone the bible; hear what it offers to them. It truly is one of God's greatest gifts to us, both scriptures and his son Jesus Christ! So much more,  even. It never ceases to amaze me and strengthens my testimony each time I have an experience like this.

2. We went by some less actives and they said we could teach the family, then as we were about to finish, their friends came in and they all said it would be good to hear it again so their friends could hear the message of the restoration for the first time and of the Book of Mormon. I could tell they had apprehensions about them hearing it, I have felt the same way in the past, too... I can relate.... but it went real well and said we could even teach them further again as a whole group and possibly more friends next week! SO AMAZING! I hope things work out that they can all come again. It would be great to reactivate and possibly bring others to come to church and baptism as well. It's the greatest gift any friend could give!

It suddenly went from cold to 80 to 90 degrees this week! Crazy for February from were I come from...... California is a strange place. No wonder why they were bringing out the swim suits just after Christmas in the stores... I just thought that was weird but now I see why.

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