Monday, July 25, 2016

63 - A clean apartment?!

Email address (preferred): 

Mission address:
 Sister Rachael Geniel Clark
 California Long Beach Mission
 6500 E Atherton St.
 Long Beach, CA 90815

This week we moved into the Sea point ward and I have to say, it was the most clean elders apartment I have ever seen my whole mission. It was refreshing. Did have to tidy up a bit, but I was more than thrilled to do that instead of intensive cleanup that I usually have to deal with. In fact it was so clean that the area book was almost empty. So we have our work cut out for us. This is the first time sisters have been in the ward since anyone can imagine. not for safety reasons, but just because I suppose. It's also is the richest ward in the mission, and almost 3/4 of our area's are completely gated. Thankfully the members are super missionary oriented and help us out whenever possible. That is the best ward mindset's I have encountered my entire mission.

We also have some great views of the ocean and our area even has the world's surfing competition this week... and no parking for us for this whole week along with it. We have quite the interesting sandbox of tools and challenges to work with in this area. Every now and again we meet a member down by the beach, numbers area's or members from around the world, so its a nice thing to talk for a little while; then move on to regular rejections. Most people are nice here, especially when rejecting offers for service and to hear about the free blessings God has for them and their family.

Since the elders didn't leave us hardly any work, we have been trying to figure things out ourselves. In fact, on transfers, we spent a good part of the day trying to find where we live on the map and getting a car and learn who was the bishop so we could learn about the ward. This Sunday we got some great direction thankfully, but before that it was a bit discouraging. Almost everyone is on vacation in the places where we can go, and the gated areas are difficult to contact the people even in just our ward. I now can see why almost no investigators are in the gated areas. 3/4 of our area (ward), only members can help out there, and that is why it is so important for members to help with the work. We did get a big warm welcome from the sisters in the ward. That was neat. I think I will like this ward, but we will have to figure out on our own how to find people to teach outside of the members..... wish it wasn't necessary, but we don't have anyone really good to teach. We had to drop the only investigators we have since they were only there for bashing and no progress was made. Too bad.

Miracle of the week: I met a relative! Lee is less active and has Clark relatives in Farmington, Utah. I met him early on in my mission at one of the last departure firesides, and we were at his doorstep asking for another member at the back of his home, but didn't know about that fact. They let us in and gave us a tour of the house he built. 3 floors with a kids room loft, custom wood almost everywhere, spiral staircase, and he even made a small seller/basement, a rarity in California. I found out that is due to the water table or earthquake danger... or just how hard it is to dig around here. He even made a curved hidden closet beneath the spiral staircase that popped out and open when you press a button. (I just thought it was neat so i thought I would share.) We talked about family a lot and even some family history. I hope we can see him again and get him back to church. Just last week his sister next door passed away and his niece is also less active, so we hope that we can help out and visit her as well. His wife at church and other relatives in the area said I may just be sent to help their family since I am family in a way. God certainly works in mysterious ways.

I am followup training Sister Painchaud so it's been interesting. We are getting along for the most part, but every now and again I have to be the "bad guy" and let her know that we must follow the rules and what they are. That part is NEVER fun with follow up training, ESPECIALLY with white washing.... I was blessed with both. Sometimes I think follow up training is the hardest thing on the planet, because trainers teach them all they know, then I have to go in and correct, tune up, and point out other ways of doing things that the other didn't do. We shall see how this transfer goes.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

62 - 9 months

Email address (preferred): 

Mission address:
 Sister Rachael Geniel Clark
 California Long Beach Mission
 6500 E Atherton St.
 Long Beach, CA 90815

The time has come for transfers once again. This time I wasn't so lucky and will be moving on to Huntington beach stake in the Seapoint Ward. I was hoping to stay one more transfer, but that isn't what God needs me to do. I will miss everyone here in Buena Park, but I guess 9 months is a long time and half my mission was here. Every now and again ward members would joke around saying how they should adopt me since I have been here so long, or that they should go to me to know where the best place is to live at here, or even that I have become part of the ward. So funny how that works.

We went around teaching and visiting people yesterday to say goodbye and practice for the 15 minute lessons that my whole mission has aspired to do.... but didn't since we had too many requests from members and investigators alike to see them one last time. I guess if you really need to, one can truly do anything. We even had members out with us which is even better! Today will be much the same.

Sister Bedford will be staying and training a new missionary, Sister Montague is going to Huntington Beach North stake, and I will be white washing an Elders area... as usual. Back to Cleaning up old dirty apartments and more for me tomorrow! My companion is from Canada, Sister Painchaud, and she is new so I will be follow-up training/second hand training? Still confused whether she is trained all the way or if I will be finishing up my training with her. Most likely follow up training. Lately there has been lots of confusion over companions, districts, and more so I don't know really what is going on until it's come already.

Pretty much the standard week for the most part lately, same people and everything.

We saw Sister Maccay along with Zoie and Destiny one last time which was great since we weren't able to see them anytime this last transfer due to scheduling and phone troubles. That made my week! I was worried I wouldn't be able to see them again.

Miracle of the week was when we taught Chris, we saw Steven who before would bash on us, but this time he asked questions and even listened to us. He told us he wasn't ready to change, but he had a desire to someday. Long ago he felt the Spirit's influence, and it was so strong that he wanted so badly to have it again. He said it was stronger than any drink, drug, or joy he knew of before that time, and he had wondered if he would ever feel it again. We gave him 1 page from the book of Mormon to read and promised him he would feel the spirit when he read it sincerely and prayed. I wish I could know what happens with him and everyone else I met and taught, but I need to go where I am needed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

61 - Far warks!

Email address (preferred): 

Mission address:
 Sister Rachael Geniel Clark
 California Long Beach Mission
 6500 E Atherton St.
 Long Beach, CA 90815

This week we found quite a few great people and taught many too. That was a miracle within itself considering how long it has been since we have found. We had a few family history lessons as well here and there, TONS of service for a variety of people. It was overall a great week. We worked on making the most of every minute more than the past and it paid off.

The firework show at Knotts Berry Farm was neat, the end looked like a volcano erupting; never seen that kind of effect before. Sister Montague got all of it but the end on her camera by recording, but I got some decent enough photos. We had to cram into a small part of the window, and we barely got a view of it since we had to stay in the apartment. It was fun either way! Fourth of July is fun in Buena park, not so many all around overall than in Norwalk last year.

We also spent a good part of the week teaching all our recent converts in the area and less actives as well, since we have so many we didn't have too much time to find new people so we are keeping busy

The miracle of the week was yesterday when we planned to visit Tanya and Stephanie (we met them first at park Anaheim while at service), and they pulled up just as we were knocking and we were able to talk to them for a while and were able to talk a little about God's plan for us. Tanya was in a coma at the hospital and was told she would never walk or talk again after that. To this day she walks and talks remarkably well for all that happened. The end result meant that she needed help, and that is when Stephanie came in to be a wonderful friend and help to her.  Sometimes in life the things that happen to people may seem unfair, but because of that trial, we receive blessings, and even some of life's greatest friends as a result.

Sister Montague has to go to a funeral today for someone she knows in Huntington beach who she taught, so our P-day is cut short, but I am glad she is able to go. That also means this is short as well.

Monday, July 4, 2016

60 - Merry Independence Day! New mission president?!

Email address (preferred): 

Mission address:
 Sister Rachael Geniel Clark
 California Long Beach Mission
 6500 E Atherton St.
 Long Beach, CA 90815

Happy Fourth of July! Things are going pretty well this day, strange to only see poppers and sparklers only at stands and stores for fireworks...... and the only things we see and hear and are bought are the BIG illegal Arial fireworks. So ironic! Here in Buena park you only hear a few every now and again, in Norwalk and Artisia there were TONS night and day going off, it was almost like clockwork every hour. I got more sleep at least, I just miss the barrage when we have to go home and they are going off everywhere. Other than that, it has been nice and overcast so even if we had to work today, it would be cool and tolerable.

President Tew went home this week and President and Sister Patterson and their four kids came. We were lucky to meet them the day they came because of exchanges and the STL's were going on splits with Sister Patterson. They seem energetic and thrilled to start learning and doing work in the mission. Their kids, however, tired and homesick for Utah. I don't blame them to feel that way.

We got to help sort clothing at the Giving Heart store. They accept donations of clothing
 and other items to sell for a good cause. My companions found some awful old puffy Olympic jackets from the 90's and they asked to buy them so they could wear them today in spirit of the USA festivities. I was happy just to sort clothing and hang them up and tag them with the tagging gun. Probably one of my most fun service activities ever oddly enough.

We also finally made some headway in our area and found a few new people to teach and sadly had to clean out our teaching pool since many disappeared off the planet it seems. Oh well.

Miracle of the week, we were about to call it quits on getting in contact with someone, when we saw another person named Chris we lost contact with due to vacations. We found out later that the time they came to church was when they decided to become Christian, before that he was atheist. He said it was so much fun and enjoyed the activities he went to during the week after that and wants to come again. Hopefully we can continue to meet with him and others like him. You never know the impact of sharing the gospel to others, even if you don't think they care.

Amelia came to church, it was her birthday and she wanted to see me and bear her testimony of her conversion and love of Christ and the joy she found in her life that increased because of being baptized. She walked for 5-6 hours and traveled 15 miles on her own to be at church at 9am. She shared how the promise in Isaiah 40:31 helped her when she had hard times and will continue to have hard times and not give up. I was so happy to see her, especially that she would do all this on her special day! I was also happy to see so many members of our ward offer to drive her home so she could get home in reasonable time and enjoy the rest of her day.

We also got to teach so many lessons with our recent converts, less actives, and even Cindy who will be interviewed for baptism Soon.. She is so thrilled to move on in her life and find joy once again through Christ.